Sunday, January 26, 2020
Joint Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organizations
Joint Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organizations The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or the JCAHO is the board responsible for making the standards for the clinical engineering programs. In addition, JCAHO is a non-profit and an independent organization (Subhan, 2007). In addition, JCAHO is the national accrediting group health care delivery organizations such as hospitals. For instance, hospitals would ask JCAHO to evaluate their facility. There are of course charged a fee. As accreditation is not automatically renewed, there is a required full accreditation survey at least every three years (Bandy, 2004). Founded in 1951, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations actually officially changed its name in 2007 to The Joint Commission, while its mission is unchanged. The author thus remains to use JCAHO when referring to this JC. This Joint Commission accredits and certifies health care organizations such as laboratories, hospitals, long term care facilities, and small ambulatory practices with the objective of ensuring patient protection and outcomes. The JC visits organizations every three years, assessing performance ranging from patient care to record keeping and from infection control to leadership, and the methodical official approval procedure is charitable, while it confers a typical of customer assurance. Also, JCAHO is an organization that makes the standards for healthcare organizations and issues accreditation to organizations that meet those standards. The organization makes intervallic surveys on-site in order to verify that accredited organizations comply with the Joint Commission standards. Also, it is to improve the care and services. Standards given by JCAHO attend to an organizations performance in input functional areas (Practice Greenhealth). A number of the standards address environmental issues as a lot of the environmentally related Elements of Performance fall under the Environment of Care or the EC standard. However, others are incorporated in the Leadership and Human Resources standards. This Guide relates each JCAHO Element of Performance to specific federal regulations, to help facilities be in compliance with both. The Guide also suggests steps that facilities can take to encourage environmental performance improvements.  A comprehensive environmental program, including waste minimization and pollution prevention initiatives, can not only ensure compliance, but can also help reduce the costs of compliance (Practice Greenhealth). JCAHO is now monitoring how well the countrys healthcare organizations treatment, assessment, and management of pain. JCAHO surveyors had been assessing compliance since 2001 as was said by the end-of-life coalition Last Acts since the new pain management standards are included in the manual standards of 2000 to 20001. In line of this, doctors and nurses would now be expected to treat the patients pain and continue to assess treatment during and even after their hospitalization, while patients will be asked about pain and its intensity, sometimes by rating it on a zero to 10 scale under the JCAHO standards (Fryling, 2001). According to Carole Patterson MN, RN, director of the Standards Interpretation Unit of JCAHO these standards recognize that pain is a condition that needs explicit attention because data presents that pain at the end of life and surgical pain has not been well-managed in the past. Thus, the standards should have a major force on pain management for patients. Patterson told Last Acts that these standards should convey that pain should be monitored with the same vigilance as blood pressure, pulse, temperature and respiratory rate, according to an article titled. (Fryling, 2001). How does JCAHO affect the healthcare system? JCAHO in 2004 began using Shared Visions-New Pathways, a new accreditation process. Therefore, starting last 2006 surveys on accreditation should be conducted in an unannounced basis. This Shared VisionsNew Pathways? is that health care organizations are dedicated to providing high quality and safe healthcare. In line of this, JCAHO, share the vision, and thus, providing a process to support a health care organizations quality and safety efforts by their accreditation. This also presents a new set of approaches to the accreditation process that will support the shared visions (Bandy, 2004). In addition, this JCAHO: identifies priority focus areas (PFAs) for each hospital based on a combination of the PFP, on which surveyors initially will focus during the initial part of the on-site survey, and on systems and processes that are relevant to patient safety and health care quality. For example, systems and process include such things as assessment and care, medication management, credentialing, equipment use, infection control, etc. Information management is one of the PFAs (Bandy, 2004). JCAHO looks upon the tracer methodology as a mode to provide education to the group leaders and staff. The new processes are available on the JCAHO site via videos, and under this new decision process, every standard is judged either compliant or not compliant based on the scoring of the EPs (Bandy, 2004). The Agency Carrying its Duties: Cases One example of the JCAHO doing its job is the Medical Equipment Standards they created. There are two main JCAHO medical equipment standards-EC.6.10 and EC.6.20-are in the Management of the Environment of Care (EC) chapter. Each JCAHO standard is divided into requirements called elements of performance (EP). EC.6.10 has eight EPs, which are discussed individually below. First is the Medical Equipment Management Plan. This EP says that the hospital must have a written plan. This plan should provide an overview of how the equipment is managed at the hospital. Also, it should describe the processes for managing the safe, effective, and reliable operation of medical equipment. Hence, it is not simply a recitation of the medical equipment standards. It should also be a link between the JCAHO medical equipment-related standards and the function of managing medical equipment at the hospital. Second is the Selection and Acquisition of Medical Equipment. Such EP requires the hospital to describe its manner of selecting new equipments. Process of acquiring includes evaluating the medical equipment for clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and human factors before final selection as this should include needs selection criteria, comparative evaluations, assessment, and a life-cycle cost analysis. Third is the Inclusion of Risk Criteria. This EP gives the hospital a choice to either include all of the equipment in the program, or to select certain types of equipment to be included in the program based on equipment function; physical risks with use; and incident history, which are called inclusion or risk criteria. Fourth is the Maintenance Strategies, an EP that requires the appropriate selection of maintenance strategies for all of the equipment in ones medical equipment management plan inventory. These are listed in the JCAHO standards include predictive maintenance (using the concepts of reliability-centered maintenance), interval-based inspections, corrective maintenance (that is, repair or replace if defective), and metered maintenance (hours of run time or number of images processed, for example) (Subhan, 2007). Fifth is the Maintenance Intervals, an EP which necessitates the hospital to define appropriate maintenance intervals for their equipment based on manufacturers recommendations and the organizational experience. JCAHO in 2001 removed the annual performance and safety testing requirement for medical equipment, and this transformation was the sign of the admission that the safety and reliability of medical equipment has improved significantly at present. (Subhan, 2007) While sixth is the Hazard Notices and Recalls, and this EP requires the hospital to be able to set up a process for monitoring and acting on hazard notices and also recalls that pertain to their medical equipment. The process would include reviewing and acting on recalls and alerts from the manufacturers and others (Subhan, 2007). Seventh is the 1990s Incident Reporting and Monitoring- Safe Medical Devices Act/ This EP needs an account of the hospital program for monitoring and reporting incidents as required by the SMDA, while the eighth one is the Emergency Procedures. This eighth EP requires the hospital to develop emergency procedures. These procedures are needed so that there will be role and responsibility identification of maintainers and users. These two should assess the medical services provided by the hospital to decide which types of tools are critical for patient car. Hospital should develop procedures for managing the clinical consequences of critical equipment failure (Subhan, 2007).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
National Security Vs. Individual Rights Essay
No form of government can survive†¦ when the life of the nation is at stake.†Because I agree with Clinton Rossiter, I affirm the resolution that When the United States is engaged in military conflict, the demands of national security ought to supersede conflicting claims of individual rights. Definitions from Encarta World English Dictionary Engaged in Military Conflict means fighting open warfare. Demands of national security means protection against loss, attack, or harm to the citizens. Ought to supersede means that there is a duty or obligation to take the place or position of something. Conflicting means not able to be followed or acted on, because each requires different and incompatible actions. Claims of individual rights are demands for entitlements, freedoms, or privileges a person has. Before I begin, I have an observation about the resolution. The demands of national security and claims to individual rights must be viewed as legitimate. Because the resolution says ought, we are debating about whether or not national security is a justifiable cause to limit rights. I am upholding SOCIAL WELFARE as my value. Societal welfare is the conditions under which somebody may live satisfactorily in a community. The criterion upholding my value is the PRESERVATION OF SOCIAL ORDER. The United States has the obligation to its citizens to preserve the society by acting on the demands of national security. Contention I: Government is created to preserve welfare by restricting individual rights. Before government was created, we live in what John Locke called the state of nature. In this state of nature, humans were absolutely free. However, we are not able to enjoy these rights because we are not provided safety. We enter a government in order to preserve life, liberty, and property. Locke states: â€Å"[Man] gives up [self-power] to be regulated by laws made by the society, so far forth as the preservation of himself, and the rest of that society shall require; which laws of the society in many things confine the liberty he had by the law of nature.†Even when man is in harmony with government, certain individual rights are limited. When in military conflict, however, justice and security are both compromised, and something must be done to protect them. Contention II: Government must provide for the safety of the society during war by further restricting rights. The highest obligation a government has is to provide the protection of its citizens, and certain rights that may be allowed in less vulnerable times may jeopardize national security during military conflict. Because new forces endanger the society, new measures must be taken to preserve societal order. Jean Jacques Rousseau affirms this. â€Å"Only the greatest dangers can outweigh that of changing the public order, and the sacred power of the laws should never be interfered with except when the safety of the country is at stake.†Even certain constitutional rights may be temporarily superceded during these times. Political Science Professor Martin Shaffer explains: â€Å"To meet the challenge of a major emergency, the barriers against omnipoten t government established by the constitution must oftentimes be transcended.†Contention III: Government has the duty to protect its citizens. When the government restricts rights, it does so to provide security to its citizens. Assuming, as we should under this resolution, that national security is at risk, government, by entering this social contract with its people, has the overall obligation to protect societal welfare. It must restrict certain freedoms of expression, privacy, and due process if it will protect the people. Security must come before rights. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs places security just above physical needs such as food, water, and shelter. Without security first, rights become invalid and government is unable to function. Men cannot respect a government that does not preserve society. In conclusion, as a legitimate government, the United States has the obligation to protect societal welfare. Because it must protect its citizens above all, temporary infringements on rights are necessary.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Best Research Essay Topics - Is it a Scam?
Best Research Essay Topics - Is it a Scam? Bear in mind that you could make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. You may believe that interesting essay titles do all of the work, allowing you to add obvious examples and share ordinary ideas. Ask yourself a few questions to establish the subject of your essay like whether you have enough knowledge to put into it. From time to time, in elaborating a point, you'll need to give examples. Your article was made to be something imaginative. You have to have an outline as well to make sure you touch on all points of the topic you opt to write about. Even if the topic is of controversial significance it ought to be examined from the view of presenting a fresh outlook on the discipline. Alas, the comments only stated that I must use academic sources. It is an impossible task to compose an abstract research paper since this kind of article always touches on a particular topic and gives an actual search for optimal methods of solving a specific matter. When you search for an excellent research paper topic, it is possible to easily grow to be the severest critic of any proposed idea. The outcomes are measurements, in the majority of cases numbers. On the opposite hand quantitative research methods are a fantastic instrument a later phase of the procedure to validate prototypes or measure improvements. The secret to successful research is to realize the underlying methodologies, to pick the suitable tool for an undertaking. On the flip side, quantitative research attempts to classify, count or measure. Always think deeply about how to make an excellent essay structure it's a significant part academic writing. When you read an article (whether it is an essential reading for the program, or in the class of your research), do an overview of it, under a page. Select an intriguing essay topic, and you'll start enjoying it. Thus, how to find the very best research essay topics isn't a puzzle but a logical query that should be unraveled gradually. In addition, the essay needs to be written in a font that's readable with a minimal font size of 12. A superb essay should have essential points. If you were tasked with writing a research essay, then odds are you recognize that this sort of essay will differ than homework you may have completed before. You have to understand completely that you're not writing a descriptive essay. Fortunately, it is possible to find anti-plagiarism resources over that internet you could utilize to check for the authenticity of what has been written for you and additionally to check the references related to your article that's reflective. As you proceed through your research, you will develop a stack of cards. In here, you shouldn't introduce any new info. There are many information regarding customwriting right here. Writing a research paper even though may appear challenging is a considerable portion of normal student life. Now you have a great idea of the way to hunt for college researc h paper topics, you're ready for some suggestions. In the procedure for writing research articles, it's required to adhere to a particular topic. Also, you can look for sample expository essay topics so you will understand what to research and that which you will deal with. You can both utilize personal experience and cover new nuances for you, depending on the research of different authors and drawing your own personal conclusions. The research part is of extreme importance when writing a guide. What follows is an extensive collection of the most intriguing research topics to have you started. The entire research should be constructed around or from the subject. Thus, make certain there is sufficient research available. Qualitative research comprises a little choice of participants, dependent on criteria's defined by the researcher. The researcher does not exactly understand what he is searching for. He knows in advance exactly what he is looking for.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Twelve Angry Men Justice Is Served - 2907 Words
Twelve Angry Men: Justice is Served Twelve Angry Men takes you into a day in the lives of twelve jurors in a New York City courthouse. In the hands of the jurors lies the fate of a young man accused of stabbing his father. Throughout the film, the audience becomes familiar with each of the jurors and is quickly introduced to topics at issue such as discrimination, iniquitous motives, and concerns about the American judicial system. As the twelve jurors deliberate to reach a verdict, the film epitomizes the validation and condemnation of the American justice system. There are many responsibilities of a jury: to achieve fair and impartial decision, determine guilt or not guilt, give people voice in the government, and to protect the†¦show more content†¦He is a bigot and a racist, and one of the last jurors to vote not guilty. He is very stubborn and doesnt understand why its taking so long to reach a verdict. To him, those people (perhaps either referring to the kid’s race or for him being a teenager) are potential menaces to society and he doesnt want any part of them. As the play goes on, he continually fights against those who are voting not guilty, for no particular reason but his pr ejudice all while ignoring the facts related to the case. Near the end, all of his prejudice and hate comes out in a big monologue. As he is speaking, the other jurors turn their backs on him as they recognize the motives for his verdict. He soon comes to the realization that there is no foundation for his prejudices and is ashamed of his outburst. He finally votes not guilty and sits down silent, defeated, and embarrassed. It is unfortunately inevitable that these characters come out in situations even in this age. It is even more unfortunate that these same exact people are also serving jury duty in the American court system. Is it necessarily â€Å"bad†that some people scrutinize through filters with which they view the world around them? Just as the rest of the jury realized the erroneous motives of number 10, these types of people force people to reevaluate their own ways of thinking and seek empathy before reaching a conclusion in their ownShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Twelve Angry Men By Reginald Rose754 Words  | 4 PagesThe statement â€Å"Drama reflects real life on a stage†is shown through the powerful dramatic play by Reginald Rose, ‘Twelve Angry Men’. Reginald rose through the effective use of characterisation, conflict and tension, symbolism, language and setting, Rose dramatically reflects human experiences with ‘Twelve Angry Men’. It is a play that directly appeals to our sense of justice and equality and questions audiences to contemplate the arguments on a ‘fair trial’ in a judicial process when ‘reasonableRead MoreAnalysis Of Twelve Angry Men By Reginald Rose2345 Words  | 10 PagesExtended Analysis Twelve Angry Men Justice is a concept that is crucial to a fair and just society. For hundreds of years, countries have developed constitutions and other documents in place to form justice for those within the country. In Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, the idea of justice is bounced around by twelve men on a jury. These men have the unthinkable decisions of whether a suspected murderer is given the death penalty or able to walk free. The jury in Twelve Angry Men made the most justRead MoreConflict Twelve Angry Men974 Words  | 4 PagesPractice SAC: â€Å"The 8th Juror is the hero of Twelve Angry Men. 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For the majority voting guilty, Juror #3 is the the criticalRead MoreThe Jury Of A Jury1507 Words  | 7 Pagessession, that is the reason the prosecution is able to present that evidence. This is one major reason why many countries stopped showing cases in a grand jury. In the United States .027 percent of trial by juries are tried unfairly. That gives our justice system a 99.973 percent success rate according to researchers from National Geographic (Hughes, 2014). In a case known as the Affluenza Teen; teenager Ethan Couch drunkenly drives and kills four people and injured two. He was only sentenced to 10Read MoreIndifference of the Law and Compassion: Contrasting Perspectives1257 Words  | 5 Pagesand what the defendant desires, the applicability of a common human needs appeal would not occur to him. In a similar example, Juror Eight appeals to the shared value of the significance of life and the emotional appeal of the raw human need for justice, â€Å"Its just that were talking about somebodys life here. I mean, we cant decide in 5 minutes. Suppose we’re wrong?†(Rose 12). Juror Eights invocation of the value of life only occurs to him because he recognizes the value of the defendants lifeRead MoreEssay on Ida B. Wells and M ary Mcleoud Bethune1628 Words  | 7 Pagesseparate occasions, Wells sued the railway company and was victorious. Unfortunately, the Tennessee Supreme Court overturned the lawsuits in 1887. Wells stated, I have firmly believed that the law was on our side and would, when appealed to it, give us justice . This statement seemed to exemplify the overall views of blacks that time. I could not imagine a more demoralizing turn of events. Two Steps Forward and One Step Back, is a phrase that is repeated throughout the fight for civil rights. 3 Read MoreAn Analysis of Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose880 Words  | 26 Pagesï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"In reaching the verdict, the jurors reconsider both their understanding of the case and their understanding of themselves.†Discuss Twelve Angry Men, written by Reginald Rose in 1957, portrays the intense discussion between 12 jurors in the American jury about a 16 year old boy, who is accused of killing his own father, and charged with â€Å"premeditated homicide†, the most serious charge in court. It explores the flaws of human nature, and the impacts of misinterpretations of the case can haveRead MoreA Summary of the O.J. Simpson Trial1974 Words  | 8 Pages 1995 (Blohm 59). Going into the trial, O.J.’s fate had already been sealed due to the fact that nobody wanted to prosecute a football legend and an actor (Piombini). In the fictional play, Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, twelve slightly frustrated men are chosen to be on a jury for a murder trial. The men discussed the fate of a boy who murdered his father; many believed that the boy was guilty due to racial differences. In both cases, one could state that racial prejudice may prevent a jurorRead MoreTwelve Angry Men2494 Words  | 10 PagesTwelve Angry Men Act I Vocabulary unanimous – complete agreement with no one dissenting refugee – a person who flees one country and seeks safety somewhere else el – a train of the same design as a subway train that runs on tracks elevated a few stories above street level. retire – to leave the open court to go to a private room calculus – a complicated mathematical process belligerently – in a hostile or angry manner monopoly – the exclusive ownership of a business switch knife – more commonly referred
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