Saturday, November 30, 2019
Rain Water Harvesting Synopsis free essay sample
Kunj Aggarwal * Introduction Rainwater harvesting (RWH) – practiced for more than 4,000 years – in its broadest sense, is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater for human consumption from rooftops, land surfaces or rock catchments. Rain water harvesting is a mini source water resource project that collects, stores rain water by structural measures, regulates and makes use of it for several purposes. In general, rain water harvesting refers to collection and storage of natural precipitation aimed at harvesting surface and ground water, prevention of losses through evaporation, seepage and all other hydrological studies and engineering interventions, aimed at conservation and efficient utilization of limited resources of water. Among the various alternative technologies to boost freshwater resources, rainwater harvesting and utilization is a decentralized, environmentally sound solution, which can avoid many environmental problems. Statement of research * AIM * An analysis of rain water harvesting techniques employed in arid regions of Rajasthan. * OBJECTIVE * To obtain and compile, literature concerning the topic. We will write a custom essay sample on Rain Water Harvesting Synopsis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * To obtain and compile, the rain water harvesting techniques employed in and around the Bikaner district, via field study. * To compare the effectualness of the practically employed techniques to the theoretical techniques. * To suggest methods to ameliorate the practically employed techniques. * SCOPE Rain water harvesting techniques. * Water harvesting calculations: * Catchment area calculation * Runoff calculation * Water storage capacity needed * Design of storage tank * Design of recharge trench * LIMITATIONS * Observations during all the four seasons, i. e. 12 months, should be made, which would not be possible due to time boundations. * Academic context: * Rain Water Harvesting for Dry lands and Beyond by Brad Lancaster * Strategies for Sustainable Architecture by Paola Sassi
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Take Me to Bollywood essays
Take Me to Bollywood essays So, it wasnt as bad as I thought it were. I used to think that as disappointed as I was with Philippine cinema I could always look at Bollywood movies. I considered any movie that had people breaking into song too bakya. My Asian Cinema class proves me wrong. Their movies are cultural fairy tales that maintain an air of dignity and sophistication without compromise. The first film, Lagaan, I thought reeked of those Indian films I skip on cable television. The 4-hour duration also left me very pessimistic but by the end of the first half, I didnt need the intermission. It couldve been any sports flick glorifying the underdog theory but with that Indian twist, it comes up more fun and amazing. The movie seems to have the tried and tested formulas of love triangles in an epic and panoramic landscape. A nice touch again would be the historical depiction of taxation without representation. The last scenes of the climactic cricket game are exhilarating. I find any movie good if I cant help but squeal with excitement. Monsoon Wedding would then have the Father and the Bride rip-off but still comes together with its ensemble cast. Tying the traditions to the modern-days reverberate and each character with his/her own story is not one strand out of place. I love these two movies. I want to have Bollywood-themed parties. I want to make a Bollywood film. My first taste of such a film was the westernized The Guru. But watching these authentic films gave me a huge rush. I cannot stand the feeling that there are much more films I need to watch. It is an amazing act that this industry can churn out more movies than Hollywood. I want to have an Indian Boyfriend with a British accent. I will watch him play cricket and we will sip tea in the afternoon. I want my children to have their eyes and noses. I am gushing like a fan girl but with a filmmaker perspective, I want to make quality Filipino films. These films are treme ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Copia and Copiousness in Rhetoric
Copia and Copiousness in Rhetoric The rhetorical term copia refers to expansive richness and amplification as a stylistic goal. Also called copiousness and abundances. In Renaissance rhetoric, the figures of speech were recommended as ways to vary students means of expression and develop copia. Copia (from the Latin for abundance) is the title of an influential rhetoric text published in 1512 by Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus. Pronunciation: KO-pee-ya Examples and Observations Because ancient rhetoricians believed that language was a powerful force for persuasion, they urged their students to develop copia in all parts of their art. Copia can be loosely translated from Latin to mean an abundant and ready supply of language- something appropriate to say or write whenever the occasion arises. Ancient teaching about rhetoric is everywhere infused with the notions of expansiveness, amplification, abundance.(Sharon Crowley and Debra Hawhee, Ancient Rhetorics for Modern Students. Pearson, 2004)Erasmus on Copia- Erasmus is one of the early enunciators of that sanest of all precepts about writing: write, write, and again write. He also recommends the exercise of keeping a commonplace book; of paraphrasing poetry into prose, and vice versa; of rendering the same subject in two or more styles; of proving a proposition along several different lines of argument; and of construing from Latin into Greek...The first book of De Copia showed the student how to use the sche mes and tropes (elocutio) for the purpose of variation; the second book instructed the student in the use of topics (inventio) for the same purpose...By way of illustrating copia, Erasmus in Chapter 33 of Book One presents 150 variations of the sentence Tuae literae me magnopere delectarunt [Your letter has pleased me greatly]...(Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, 4th ed. Oxford Univ. Press, 1999)- If I am truly that peace so extolled by God and by men; if I am really the source, the nourishing mother, the preserver and the protector of all good things in which heaven and earth abound;... if nothing pure or holy, nothing that is agreeable to God or to men can be established on earth without my help; if, on the other hand, war is incontestably the essential cause of all the disasters which fall upon the universe and this plague withers at a glance everything that grows; if, because of war, all that grew and ripened in the course of t he ages suddenly collapses and is turned into ruins; if war tears down everything that is maintained at the cost of the most painful efforts; if it destroys things that were most firmly established; if it poisons everything that is holy and everything that is sweet; if, in short, war is abominable to the point of annihilating all virtue, all goodness in the hearts of men, and if nothing is more deadly for them, nothing more hateful to God than war- then, in the name of this immortal God I ask: who is capable of believing without great difficulty that those who instigate it, who barely possess the light of reason, whom one sees exerting themselves with such stubbornness, such fervor, such cunning, and at the cost of such effort and danger, to drive me away and pay so much for the overwhelming anxieties and the evils that result from war- who can believe that such persons are still truly men?(Erasmus, The Complaint of Peace, 1521)- In the right spirit of playfulness and experimentatio n, Erasmuss exercise can be both fun and instructive. Although Erasmus and his contemporaries clearly were delighted by language variation and exuberance (think of Shakespeares indulgence in his comedies), the idea was not simply to pile up more words. Rather copiousness was about providing options, building stylistic fluency that would allow writers to draw upon a large array of articulations, choosing the most desirable.(Steven Lynn, Rhetoric and Composition: An Introduction. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010) Backlash Against CopiaThe latter part of the sixteenth century and the first part of the seventeenth witnessed a reaction against eloquence, specifically against Ciceronian style as a model for writers, both in Latin and in vernacular literature (Montaigne, for example)... The anti-Ciceronians distrusted eloquence as something speciously ornamental, therefore insincere, self-conscious, unsuited for expressing private or adventurous reflections or disclosures of the self... It was [Francis] Bacon, not inappropriately, who wrote the epitaph of copia in that famous passage of his Advancement for Learning (1605) where he describes the first distemper of learning when men study words and not matter....It is ironical that in later years Bacon came to dislike the excesses of Senecan style nearly as much as those of copie. It is likewise ironical that the man who deplored the former popularity of copia was, of all writers in his time, most responsive to the advice in De copia about collectin g notes. Bacons obsessive fondness in his writings for sententiae, aphorisms, maxims, formulae, apophthegms, his promptuary, and his habit of keeping commonplace books were a tribute to the methods taught by Erasmus and the other humanists. Bacon was more indebted to prescriptions for copia than he allowed, and his prose leaves little doubt that he was studious of words as well as matter.(Craig R. Thompson, Introduction to Collected Works of Erasmus: Literary and Educational Writings I. University of Toronto Press, 1978)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The protection of historical and cultural heritage during the Essay
The protection of historical and cultural heritage during the urbanization process - Essay Example The consequences include not only losing irreplaceable treasures but also endangering the futre of the globe especially when it comes to natural resources. In this study, the Chinese City of Xi’an will be discussed with regards to the violation and destruction of cultural heritages as man pursues urbanization.With the rapid development of economy and technology, the pace of urbanization accelerates greatly, and Xi’an has been feeling the effects of human invasion. During urban construction and development, it is important that the relationship between modernization and cultural [historical ] conservation is handled correctly to avoid the detrimental implications that come with their violation or destruction. The Xi’an Muslim District is one of the key elements that make up the famous cultural city of Xi’an, and also one that has been facing great challenges as urban development approaches it. The Muslim District is composed of about 54 hectares of ancient (traditional) housing of the Hui people. It is one of the key areas protected by the Historic and Cultural city Preservation Plan of Xi’an Year 1995-2020. The district bears important heritage for the Chinese and particularly the Muslims in that the housing, including seven mosques, as well as land, date back to hundreds of years. However, recent â€Å"redevelopment†plans have been rumored, proposing that the ancient low housing be â€Å"revamped†to better urban housing (Vinsrygg 92). If Grunwald’s example is anything to go by, it is important that the Chinese government should not implement such proposals because once the redevelopment is done, the Muslim heritage that has existed in the Xià ¢â‚¬â„¢an District will be destroyed. Therefore, it would important for people to stand against such forms of urbanization because culture, once destroyed, can never be repaired. One of the worst violations
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use Essay - 1
How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use - Essay Example There are various rules and regulations that have been set by the federal system to control alcohol consumption among workers in different social and economic sectors. For instance: Specific rules and regulations to control alcohol use in the transportation sector, construction sector, manufacturing, and military as well as among the police. However, previous research show that the normal and legalized alcohol consumption has presented accidents at work places as well as poor productivity which in most cases are not identified by employees and their employers. Occupational accidents resulting from alcohol consumption by workers and their employers usually go unnoticed due to the fact that; there has not been proper research conducted in order to depict performance among employees working under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol consumption has various effects on the performance and the safety of workers which can be extant or can occur the next day after consumption. These effects are categorized according to the pattern in which they affect the workers: Residual effects which can exhibits different patterns of impacts. It generally connotes the physiological, behavioral and characteristics that may result from heavy alcohol consumption after episodes of heavy drinking and when the Blood Alcohol Concentration is at zero. There are also acute effects of heavy drinking that may occur immediately or after long periods of time such as cancer, weight loss and severe impacts of the reproductive system (Howland, J et al.2006). The effects of alcohol may be notice from several physiological and psychological abnormalities such as headache, fatigue and nausea. Residual effects of alcohol affect various organizations at different levels for instance; among the aircraft and automobile operators, researches have shown that: Decreased performances among pilots and military jet operators have been noticed after periods of heavy
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Element of Drama Essay Example for Free
Element of Drama Essay Accordingly, elements of drama consist of literary, technical and performance elements. In Hamlet, it can be said that the elements of drama for each category are quite obvious. The first element to consider is the characters. It can be said that most dramas composes of the major and minor characters and in line with Hamlet, The major characters include Hamlet and Claudius and the minor include Marcellus which serves a specific purpose of informing the lead character of the appearance of the his father’s ghost. There is also protagonist antagonist and in the case of Hamlet, the protagonist is Hamlet and the antagonist. Another type of character is the stereotype and the role of Hamlet also shows how such s stereotype has been modified. The theme of Hamlet is commonly stated as the failure’s of the youth of poetic temperament to adjust with different situations which demand action. The plot lies on the struggles of Hamlet and how she cope or not cope with the situation that challenges her. It can be said that Hamlet has been able to achieve artistic maturity through the opposing struggles of the people in the drama the moral integrity that it implies with the audiences. In terms of technical side, it can be said that drama plays have been able to produce a sense of hatred and revenge to the audience with how they perform the drama. For instance, the settings show a heavy feeling in the part of Hamlet because of the death of his father. The musical scores alike provide revengeful music as they try to make the people feel the tension among characters. The actors and actresses of the play has been very effective in making the audience feels the wrath of Hamlet because of what happened to his father (Bradley, 51). It can be said that Hamlet was written with poetic diction that uses eloquent words as well as phrases and the performance have shown in their actions how this drama has been able to create and keep tensions and suspense throughout the play. All in all, it can be said that this drama has been able to use different elements integrated to establish a tragedy. Reference Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear Macbeth. New York: Penguin, 1991.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Postal Service Monopoly :: Economy
The Postal Service Monopoly In the United States economy most markets can be classified into four different markets structures. But, each and every market in the United States is completely unique from the others. Generally the best type of market structure for the general public is per- fect competition because it creates the lowest possible price for the public. There are some exceptions were perfect competition isn’t the best choice for the public on account of various reasons. The United States Postal Service is one of them and since the Postal Service is a monopoly, it is its own market. This paper will discuss the budget dilemmas that the postal service has faced for the past twenty years and if it is in the best interest of the economy for the United States Postal Service to continue as a monopoly. The first time there was talk of privatizing the Postal Service was in 1979 when the Postal Service was losing vast amounts of money in the long run. But since the Postal Service is a necessity for America, the government had to subsidize the service in order for it to continue in operation. In 1979 the United States Postal Service had a cash flow of $22.5 Billion and was additionally receiving $176 million from investing(#1, Intro). Even with this added revenue the Postal Service was still greatly under funded on its own (#1, Intro). During this time it was discussed to privatize the postal service and introduce competition because of the extreme losses that the service was experiencing. A positive argument for privatizing the Postal Service was with numerous competitors in the market there would be more efficiency and the public would receive lower prices. But this would also increase the usage of resources, for example airplanes and cars. One of the problems the Post Office had was its receipts from consumer purchases that were submitted the next day after the transaction (#1, i). If the receipts were submitted earlier the postal service would receive more money because they could invest that money sooner (#1, i). Another way the Postal Service could increased
Monday, November 11, 2019
Leadership Styles of Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem
Question: In the context of the Vietnamese society as the course has presented it through the online textbook so far, what evaluation can be made about the leadership styles and personal examples of Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem that would enable both of them to tap into the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people and mobilize support for their initiatives? Why, in Vietnam, was personal leadership so very important? Refer to specific examples IntroductionThe Geneva Accords that took place in 1954 put an end to the First Indochina War and the beginning of two Vietnamese territories separated by a line of demarcation at 17th parallel: The Communist North or Democratic Republic of Vietnam with its capital in Hanoi and the Anti-Communist South or Republic of Vietnam with its capital in Saigon. Ho Chi Minh was in control of the North, while Ngo Dihn Diem commanded the South. Nevertheless, both differ in ideologies, and leadership, but with the common goal to bring freedom to Vietnam.In this essay, the leadership of both commanders in chief, in the context of Vietnamese society will be evaluated. This paper will show the reasons which help them to mobilize support for their initiative by using examples and facts. Analysis Ho Chi Minh is a charismatic leader. He has an inordinate level of power and an emotional impact on his audience. He inspires the Vietnamese with the use of his political charisma. He uses this charismatic charm internationally and domestically.He projects the image of a simple, humble, and passionate old man who puts a great touch of wisdom in what he does. This is what helps grow around him a charismatic cult. Ho Chi Minh was a fervent democrat who shares the belief that the will of the people must always be served and allowed to prevail. To mention a quotation from Ho: â€Å"If people in an independent country do not enjoy happiness and freedom then independence has no meaning. †Ho Chi Minh is also a communist. Karl Marx and other le ftist writers fascinate Ho Chi Minh who, at the end, joins communism.Ho is one of the founders of the French Communist Party, who is inspired by the Russian Revolution and created in 1920. He visits the Soviet Union in 1924 where he writes to a friend and states that it is the duty of all communists to return to their own country to make contact with the masses to awaken, organize, unite and train them, and lead them to fight for freedom and independence. The quality of his leadership and the ability to apply communist ideologies to his country, desperate for change, ultimately strengthens Vietnamese nationalism and win him support from the entire nation.Furthermore, Ho Chi Minh is a nationalist. During his entire life, Ho Chi Minh has been pursuing Vietnamese independence from France. He travels to France; there he goes to school, and incessantly writes letters to the French government, and tries to involucrate himself into the French governmental system. Ho also travels arou nd the world trying to get help elsewhere in order to gain Vietnamese independence. Ho Chi Minh has developed nationalism among the Vietnamese people and mobilized them to fight for their independence.Therefore, he has a large reputation as a nationalist hero. His perseverance and determination inspire the Vietnamese nation and win their faith and support. Ngo Dihn Diem is an autocratic leader who opposed the French Colonialism and Communism. Ngo Dihn Diem opposes the French colonial rule and the Viet Minh, during and after the Second World War, which was the communist-led national independence movement. As a strong anticommunist, he rejects an offer to serve in Ho Chi Minh’s brief postwar government in 1945.While the First Indochina War is taking place, he spends several years in exile, trying to gain supports and ally politically with the Americans in hopes of leading a postwar government. He believes that his nation craves for a benevolent, authoritarian rule of enlight ened elites. Ngo Dihn Diem shows favoritism for Roman Catholics. Ngo Dihn Diem is a devout catholic, member of Vietnamese catholic minority and the brother of their leading archbishop. He tends to appoint people who share his religious beliefs to positions of authority.Catholics always hold a privileged position in Vietnam; they are exempt from land redistribution and given more aid and job promotions. At some point, the Catholic Church was the largest landowner in the country and most of the officials were Catholics. In his visit to Australia in 1957, Diem signals that he will discuss defense relations. Nevertheless, his extensive meeting with the catholic leaders prevents him from discussing defense relations. Therefore, his policies have always favored his co-religionists. ConclusionIn conclusion, we can say that the Vietnamese were craving for independence. To some extents that it would not really matter to them, if communism, democracy, or autocracy were the mechanisms used to help them reach that freedom they have hoped for so long. After the French Indochina War, two leaders such as Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dihn Diem who share the same goal to set Vietnam free, but they differ from their ideology and politics. Ho Chi Minh was more of a charismatic leader, a nationalist who use communism as an engine to save his nation from oppression.Ngo Dihn Diem, other hand, was an autocratic leader, and uses his anti-communist propaganda, his religious beliefs and influences to reach the same goal. For that reason, it was not so difficult for them to gain the heart, the mind, and the supports of the Vietnamese who just wanted to be free.References Moss, G. D. (2010). Vietnam: An American Ordeal. New Jersey, Saddle River: Pearson Education Willner, A. R. (1984). The Spellbinders–Charismatic Political Leadership. New Haven& London: Yale University Press. Henderson W. , & Fishel W. R. (1966). The Foreign Policy of Ngo Dinh Diem. VietnamPerspectives. 2(1)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Venus of Urbino vs. Olympia
Sam Bugay Intro to Visual Arts Bryce Speed November 30, 2012 Faces of Sexuality Sexuality has been a face of a rt for many centuries. Olympia by Edouard Manet and Venus of Urbino by Titian represent the face for female domination and the ability to lure men. As we look at these two different faces of sexuality, we will briefly touch on the artist’s lives, and explore the content of the two works. Edouard Manet was born in Paris in 1832. He was considered to be the founder of modern art as well as a master interpreter of visual arts. His works were â€Å"spontaneous, monumental, and realistic. Although Manet was born into a more privileged class, he chose to portray lower classes or the less desirable people of Paris. He commonly reflected everyday scenarios such as construction workers, street singers, and beggars in his art work. Manet’s artwork never dwindled in value or passion. The Bar at Folies-Bergere, one of his best known works, was painted a year before his death in 1883. Tiziano Vecelli, Titian in English, was born in 1448. Titian was regarded as one of the greatest painters of the Renaissance in Venice. He is best known for his religious arts, portraiture, and mastery of color.He had released over 600 works of art which included some of the best Renaissance paintings and drawings. As an artist, Titian explored new themes to portray and new uses of color which added to his reputation as leading painter in Venice at that time. Titian died in 1576. Venus of Urbino, painted in 1538 by Titian, is considered to be one of the most famous nude female paintings i n art history (6). Venus of Urbino is an oil-on-canvas painting located in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence (3). The painting is of a nude female lying on a bed in a Renaissance palace. The woman is painted wearing a bracelet, earrings, and a ring.In her left hand she holds a small bouquet of red roses. Two maids and a small dog are in the room with the woman. Secret seduction and marriage are two themes that could be related to this painting. According to (6), Venus of Urbino is the â€Å"iconic version of the reclining nude female. †The woman in the painting is believed by many historians to be the goddess of love, Venus. Venus of Urbino was commissioned by the Duke of Urbino for his young wife, and is believed to support the idea of marriage and marital obligations. The painting is said to celebrate marital love and the physical intimacy between the husband and wife.A clue to support this is the small dog at the foot of the bed. The dog symbolizes marital fidelity. Another clue is the housemaid standing in the background. She symbolizes motherhood. The standing maid is watching over a younger maid while she rummages through a large chest. The chest is referred to as a â€Å"cassone. †A cassone was often given as a wedding gift in Italy, and was usually where the wife stored her clothes. Final clues to support the idea of marital love are the small bouquet the woman holds, and a small myrtle tree in the window seal.The bouquet of roses symbolizes love. The myrtle tree symbolizes undying love and commitment, and was a Hebrew symbol of marriage (7). Venus of Urbino is â€Å"often cited as the origin of many of western art’s most controversial images†(6). Many historians believe that the woman in the painting does not depict Venus, rather a model from that time. They justify this by saying that the woman shows no characteristics of the goddess she is said to be. There are several clues to support the belief of secret seduction to be a theme for the painting Venus of Urbino.To begin, the woman painted does not seem to be unattainable, often a characteristic of Venus. (6) suggested that the woman â€Å"is both available and deliberately tempting. †Her piercing stare emanates the idea of sexuality. Her body is tilting forward, exposing her neck, and initiating the idea of suggestion or demand. The way she covers her pelvic region is a final clue to support the idea of secret seduction. Some historians believe she covers herself in modesty. Others believe that Titian intended to suggest that the woman was masturbating or playing with a strand of pubic hair (6).Ultimately, that is for the viewer to decide. â€Å"Although the nude body has been visual art’s most enduring and universal subject, it has often spurred conflict. †This quote proves especially true when referencing the painting Olympia. Olympia is an oil-on-canvas painting, painted by Edouard Manet in 1863. The painting is of a nude woman reclining on a bed. She is seen wearing a bracelet, earrings, shoes, a black ribbon around her necks, and an orchid in her hair. The woman is accompanied by a maid holding flowers, and a black cat at the foot of the bed.The objections to Olympia began when the painting was submitted to the French Salon in 1865. The controversy evolved from the realism of the subject matter: the woman Manet depicted was a courtesan. According to reference. com, a courtesan refers to a mistress who is associated with wealthy or powerful men. What shocked the critics wasn’t that the woman was nude, but that she gazed so boldly at the viewer. This scene wasn’t typically displayed. The woman Manet was a real woman from Paris believed to be Victorine Meurent. Two themes Olympia could represent are prostitution and domination.Many details contribute to the idea of prostitution as a possible theme. To begin, the maid is presenting the courtesan with a large bouquet of flowers. The flower s are presumed to be from a client. The bored expression on the woman’s face gives way to think that this isn’t the first time she has received a high priced gift. The black cat at the foot of the bed symbolizes prostitution too. Around the 15th century, brothels were frequently referred to as a â€Å"cathouse. †Brothels were early century houses for men to visit to pay for sexual encounters with strange women. Manet also paints the woman wearing shoes.This symbolizes â€Å"streetwalking†, which refers to the act of soliciting dates on the street. Another possible theme for Olympia is domination. The model depicted shows the characteristics of a strong and independent woman. She stares in the direction one may assume the door would be, almost as if a client, in this case, you, has barged in unannounced. She stares directly at the viewer demanding attention and respect. This shocked viewers because it was scandalous for a woman to stare directly at someon e at that time. She also shows domination over men by the way she â€Å"firmly protects†her pelvic region.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay on Prisons and the War on DrugsEssay Writing Service
Essay on Prisons and the War on DrugsEssay Writing Service Essay on Prisons and the War on Drugs Essay on Prisons and the War on DrugsThe video War on Drugs Dramatically Increases Prison Population discusses the social and financial costs of the War on Drugs, including the costs of criminal justice, increased budget, reduced resources for providing the proper social services, etc. (University of Notre Dame, 1999; Korgen Furst, 2012). As the issue of drug abuse has been identified as an important social problem, it is necessary to explore the consequences of our reliance on punishment as a solution to drug abuse. There are certain differences between a culture’s folkways, mores, and taboos. A folkway can be defined as a norm for human behavior that should be followed for the sake of convenience or the established tradition. A more can be defined as a strict norm that is based on morality, which helps to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. A taboo is the strictest norm in society that can bring the most severe sanctions. Some of these notions are considered to b e infractions of normative expectations termed criminal and others social. This definitional process leads us to incarcerate fellow citizens based on the established laws and regulations regarding drug abuse. There are several sociological factors that contribute to the criminalization of individuals in society, including racial prejudice, illegal immigration, unemployment, poor education of immigrants, mental health problems, etc. Criminalization is based on the application of certain laws to certain behaviors of individuals. Today all types of deviant behaviors are known as criminal. The deviance caused by drug abuse requires social control. Drug users are considered to be mentally ill people, or the people with serious forms of neurotic personality. Although the action of a drug user is criminal, he/she need therapeutic assistance. The seriousness of drug abuse justifies our reliance on the social consequences of incarceration. Due to the stricter policies aimed at reducing d rug abuse rate; there are many prisoners who were involved in trafficking illegal drugs and who were incarcerated based on the established laws and regulations. Prisons should not only punish prisoners, but also rehabilitate them. Undoubtedly, incarceration would have a strong impact on our society and future generation. The current state of prisons in the U.S. should be reconsidered.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Display Todays Date on Your Website
Display Today's Date on Your Website Server-side PHP scripting gives web developers the ability to add features that change to their websites. They can use it to generate dynamic page content, collect form data, send and receive cookies and display the current date. This code only works on pages where PHP is enabled, which means the code displays a date on pages that end in .php. You can name your ​HTML page with a .php extension or other extensions set up on your server to run PHP. Example PHP Code for Todays Date Using PHP, you can display the current date on your website using a single line of PHP code. Heres How It Works Inside an HTML file, somewhere in the body of the HTML, the script starts by opening the PHP code with the symbol.Next, the code uses the print( ) function to send the date it is about to generate to the browser.The date function is then used to generate the current days date.Finally, the PHP script is closed using the ? symbols.The code returns to the body of the HTML file. About That Funny-Looking Date Format PHP uses formatting options to format date output. The lower case L- or l- represents the day of the week Sunday through Saturday. F calls for a textual representation of a month such as January. The day of the month is indicated by d, and Y is the representation for a year, such as 2017. Other formatting parameters can be seen at the PHP website.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Pick one of the following articles and write on the questions Essay
Pick one of the following articles and write on the questions presented - Essay Example eliefs and values, shared cultural symbols, meanings and code of conduct.†(Shtarkshall, Santelli, & Hirsch, 2007) Once children and adolescents begin to interact with society, they learn more about sexuality through mass media and by observing the norms of society within its particular cultural and religious contexts. Thus, they gain diversified knowledge about the attitudes and views of society regarding sex-related issues like socially-accepted gender roles and social taboos like abortion, birth control etc. â€Å"†¦cultures around the world socialize boys and girls through both, direct and indirect means, to understand their gender roles in society.†(Ember & Ember, 2003) Thus, children and adolescents develop their social and sexual identities from their parents and society that transfer their cultural/religious values and beliefs in them. As education and socialization are different modes of teaching children and adolescents about sex, therefore, sex education is incomplete without either of these modes. Teenagers should be educated about sex in schools and parents should set examples through role-playing about positive sexual behaviors and equal gender roles at home. According to Shtarkshall, Santelli, & Hirsch (2007), most teens would prefer to learn about sex from schools. This conclusion is based on studies conducted in Israel and the United Kingdom, in which adolescents were asked about their preferred source of sexual education. A majority of the students expressed their desire to learn about sex in their schools rather than their homes. This is because many teenagers believe that parents cannot impart complete knowledge on sexuality. Another reason why teenagers cannot learn about sex from their parents is because in many families, parents do not discuss such subjects openly. Even if they do, it occurs between some members of the family like mothers, daughters etc. Fathers are often found to be hesitant in discussing anything about sex or
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